Custom Engraved King Starboard Name Boards

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Custom King Starboard Name Boards -- Characteristics & Costs

King Starboard Color Core is basically impervious to the marine environment -- so your boat lettering won't fade, crack, rot or delaminate when exposed to sun, salt, rain and so on.  And compared to teak, Color Core name boards are essentially maintenance-free.

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 Your Art & Type Font -- If there's an unusual type font you like, show us a sample and we'll try to match it. The same goes for artwork designs -- give us a sample.

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 Popular Type Fonts -- We have a fair selection of standard type fonts, and should be able to match all the usual Microsoft-style typefaces and their variations.

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 Attractive Color Combinations -- We have several color combinations to choose from, as shown on the left. And if you'd rather simply have your vessel's name on the transom, we can produce a board for that application as well.

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 Custom Profiles -- Whatever your profile requirement, from extremely simply to complex, we can design it for your. Shown here are a pair of trawler sideboards in our newest color combo -- tan-brown-tan

The base Color Core material goes for $19.50 for 1/2" thick and $28.00 per square foot for 3/4" thick (Black/White/Black only). Sold in square-foot increments only.

CNC design set-up and run-time costs will depend on the complexity of your requirements. Our minimum charge for this is $75.00. As you can see from the selection of custom designs shown here, size and complexity can vary greatly – and the more exactly you can specify your needs for us, the more closely we’ll be able to estimate your costs.

Available Colors

  • White letters on royal blue background -- 1/2" thick.
  • Royal blue letters on white background -- 1/2" thick.
  • White letters on black background -- 1/2" or 3/4" thick.
  • Green letters on tan background -- 1/2" thick.
  • Red letters on white background -- 1/2" thick.
  • Rich brown letters on tan -- 1/2" thick.
  • Additional color combinations may be available at additional charge.

More King Color-Core Name Board Examples


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