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Project Panels -- 1/2 To 8 Square Feet -- 1/4" To 1-1/2" Thick
Quarter Sheets -- Quantity Discounts
Half Sheets & Full Sheets -- Quantity Discounts
Just to mention, the shipping calculator on the site is just that a calculator, sometimes she can be off, we ship teak bungs to sheets of starboard and plywood and everything in between, it has been a bear to try to dial in the shipping calculator, we check shipping cost every time we run a label and we will ship the cheapest way we can.
Buck Woodcraft offers several ways to buy King Starboard in quantities that best suit your needs, including:
- Project Panels that range in size from 1 sq. ft. up to 8 sq. ft., either individually or in whatever quantity you like, from 1/4" to 1-1/2" thick.
- Quarter Sheets, each measuring 24" x 54" for thicknesses up to 1", and 24" x 48" for 1-1/2" thick material. Buy 2 of these of the same thickness and color, and get our half-sheet price. Or buy 4 and get our full-sheet price.
- Half Sheets, each measuring 48" x 54". Buy 2 of these of the same thickness and color, and get our full-sheet price.
- Full Uncut Sheets that measure 54" x96" for most thicknesses (48" x 96" forr 1-1/2" thick). Buy at least 3 sheets of any size and/or color and receive a quantity discount on each sheet.